Analysis of computer tools for the development of an Augmented reality mobile application

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Enrique Javier Macias-Arias
Fabricio Javier Santana-Campoverde
Tatiana Elizabeth Cobeña-Macias
Félix Vicente Zambrano-Pico


This research addresses the evaluation of computer tools available for the effective development of augmented reality (AR) mobile applications. The main objective is to identify the most suitable platforms and technologies that optimize the AR application creation process, considering key factors such as usability, performance and accessibility. The research is framed in an exploratory and descriptive study, using a mixed approach that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. The aim is to obtain a deep understanding of the available tools and their applicability in the context of developing augmented reality mobile applications. A comprehensive literature review is carried out to identify relevant IT tools. Benchmarking techniques are used to evaluate the effectiveness of each tool in terms of AR application development. The techniques include a comparative analysis based on augmented reality tools. In addition, the Likert scale is used, which is a tool widely used in research of various kinds that serves as the basis for this study. The research contributes to practical knowledge by offering specific recommendations based on the empirical evidence collected. As a result of the research, EasyAR Sense stands out as the best tool for building augmented reality applications, supported by Creator AVR and Blippar as equally solid options. This analysis provides valuable guidance for developers when selecting tools for AR application development, considering key factors such as image recognition, API integration, and licensing. In conclusion, the choice of tool for the development of augmented reality mobile applications should be based on a careful weighing of the project requirements, prioritizing performance, usability and flexibility. Although each tool has its advantages and disadvantages, the knowledge gained through this analysis facilitates more informed decision making. The need for continuous evaluation is highlighted as technologies evolve and new tools are introduced to the market. This study provides a solid foundation for future research and development in the dynamic field of mobile augmented reality.


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How to Cite
Macias-Arias, E., Santana-Campoverde, F., Cobeña-Macias, T., & Zambrano-Pico, F. (2023). Analysis of computer tools for the development of an Augmented reality mobile application. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 1056-1069.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Enrique Javier Macias-Arias, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Professor of the Faculty of Computer Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, I have a Master's Degree in Software Engineering. I have been conducting research and publishing scientific articles since 2014, as well as participating in speaking events.


Fabricio Javier Santana-Campoverde, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Full-time tenured research professor at the Faculty of Informatics Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, Computer Systems Engineer and Master in Communications Networks.


Tatiana Elizabeth Cobeña-Macias, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Teacher at the Faculty of Computer Science, Master in Web Engineering Management, I have collaborated in research projects at the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Philosophy, conducted research and published scientific articles, and participated in speaking events.



Félix Vicente Zambrano-Pico, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Teacher at the Faculty of Basic Sciences, Master in Web Engineering Management, and soon Master in Applied Statistics, I have collaborated in research projects with the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Philosophy, I have published scientific articles, and participated in speaking events.



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