Customer Relationship Management (CRM) management model for transport companies in Ecuador

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Angélica María Torres-Sánchez
Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade
Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez
Viviana Lucia Farfán-Quezada


This article shows a Customer Relationship Manage-ment (CRM) Management model for Atrain microbus buses Courier; which was developed with the aim of improving customer service for the inter and intra provincial transport company. A methodology with a mixed approach was applied, through the different inductive-deductive methods, logical, analytical-synthetic historical method due to the treatment of data obtained through techniques and collection instruments such as the survey and the interview. The study population was represented by the company's clients, the objective of the research document is to propose a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) management model that improves service and customer service for the company Atrain microbuses buses Courier. The results show that there are various shortcomings in the company regarding the management of employee reliability, safety and tangibility. Where it can be evidenced that sales promises are not being fulfilled, in addition to not having modernized equipment; as well as payment methods, poor visualization of the physical facilities, the staff does not inspire confidence due to the lack of interaction with the client; In addition, it was shown that people do not have knowledge of processes in minimizing time in the sale; therefore, a proposal was developed that has the peculiarity of being valid for transport companies focused on promoting customer retention through continuous improvement of customer service, this through the development of three main components that are related to the operational area of ​​the company, which are: the service area, marketing area and the sales area.


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How to Cite
Torres, A., Ormaza, J., Erazo, J., & Farfán, V. (2020). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) management model for transport companies in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(2), 134-149.
Author Biography

Angélica María Torres-Sánchez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Magister en Administración de Empresas


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