Rural Aging and the Transfer of Land from Small Agricultural Producers in Teapa, Tabasco

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Liliana Guadalupe Jauregui-Beltrán
Aracely Celina Sanchez-Albores
Gabriela del Carmen Cornelio-Cruz


The purpose of this work is to reflect on the impact that rural aging, land ownership and transfer is having on the development of agricultural activities of small producers in the municipality of Teapa, Tabasco, taking as selection criteria those localities in in which their predominant economic activity was agriculture, being elected: Arcadio Zentella, Colorado (Benito Juárez), Nicolás Bravo and Villa Juan Aldama. The convenience of the study arises from the importance that small producers have acquired in recent years as generators of the necessary food base to achieve food security for the population. The research was carried out under the exploratory and mixed study approach, using the participant observation technique and the survey, obtaining as a result that there is a high social and economic vulnerability among the producers derived from the problems of land transfer and aging. rural, since there is a controversial relationship between the aged ejidatarios and the young landless, generating a relationship of alliances, breaks and disagreements between two generations with different visions, arising the abandonment and sales of the lands, forcing migration at the hands of young work due to the lack of spaces and denial of rights by adult agricultural producers. This situation described is more vulnerable for rural women who continue to suffer from the culture of patriarchy, being excluded and limited in obtaining land possession rights. It is concluded that it is necessary to implement public policies of an inclusive nature, in which the needs of the new generations are taken into account and the active participation of young people and women is allowed, avoiding abandonment of the field and economic dependence on a program of government.


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How to Cite
Jauregui-Beltrán , L. ., Sanchez-Albores , A. ., & Cornelio-Cruz , G. del C. (2023). Rural Aging and the Transfer of Land from Small Agricultural Producers in Teapa, Tabasco . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6), 106-122.
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Author Biographies

Liliana Guadalupe Jauregui-Beltrán , Tecnológico Nacional de México / ITS de la Región Sierra - México

  • Bachelor's Degree in Economics, from the Autonomous Juárez University of Tabasco (2003) 
  • Master's Degree in Business Law, Universidad del Sur (2007) 
  • Doctorate in Administration, Universidad del Sur (2011). Recognition as a desirable profile for full-time professors. 
  • Member of the academic body in training "Business Development" of the Higher Technological Institute of the Sierra Region. 
  • Member of the Postgraduate and Research Technical Committee (CTPI), of the Higher Technological Institute of the Sierra Region. 
  • Dissemination of science in congresses and forums 
  • Full-time research professor. 

Aracely Celina Sanchez-Albores , Tecnológico Nacional de México / ITS de la Región Sierra - México

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Technological Institute of Villahermosa. 
  • Master's degree in teaching, Teacher Update Center 
  • PhD in Administration, University of the South 
  • National Researcher Level 1 (SNI LEVEL 1) 
  • Member of the state register of researchers 
  • State Member of the Network of Researchers in Educational Matters (REIME) 
  • Member of the Mexican Network of Researchers in Organizational Studies (REMINEO) 
  • Member of the Network of Latin American Studies of Administration and Business RELAYN 
  • Member of the NETWORK of University Investigators, A.C. 
  • Leader of the Academic Body "Business Development 
  • Recognition as a desirable profile for full-time teachers 
  • Member of the Postgraduate and Research Technical Committee (CTPI), of the Higher Technological Institute of the Sierra Region. 
  • Publication of books, book chapters and scientific and popular articles. 
  • Dissemination of science in congresses and forums. 
  • Reviewer of scientific articles 
  • Full-time research professor 

Gabriela del Carmen Cornelio-Cruz , Tecnológico Nacional de México / ITS de la Región Sierra - México

  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Master's Degree in Electronic Commerce and Doctorate in Administration. 
  • In the professional part, performance of 29 years of service in the Ministry of Health in administrative areas. 
  • In teaching activities with 22 years of seniority, he is Professor of Subject "B" and is part of the Academic Body "Business Development" ITESRS-CA-2 
  • PRODEP Profile 2021-2024 


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