The Right to Private Property and Succession in Ecuador: How Much Should the State Inherit?

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Marcela Paz Sánchez-Sarmiento
Lesi Vanessa Giler-Escandón
Ana Fabiola Zamora-Vázquez


Governments with laws regulate the testate and intestate succession of the assets of the deceased. For Ecuador, within the intestate succession to the deceased's nephews, the State is a privileged heir receiving 50% is 1 nephew; 33.33% if there are two and 25% with are three or more, existing, legally, a violation of patrimonial rights and taxation ignores the principles of equity (greater power and benefits); collection efficiency and sufficiency (collection decreases).  To determine if the right to succession of the deceased by the State towards the nephews is violated, through an inductive-deductive investigation was applied, studying the doctrine that bases the advances in the legislation, establishing the aspects to be modified and proposing a reform to the succession orders of the Ecuadorian Civil Code, where collateral relatives can be considered and in the absence of these, the State will be the last beneficiary. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Sarmiento , M., Giler-Escandón , L. ., & Zamora-Vázquez , A. . (2023). The Right to Private Property and Succession in Ecuador: How Much Should the State Inherit? . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 56-69.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Marcela Paz Sánchez-Sarmiento , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Specialist and Master in Procedural Law from the Simón Bolívar Andean University, PhD student (c) from the National University of Mar del Plata-Argentina. She is a full-time research professor in the law career at the Catholic University of Cuenca. Is author and co-author of several individual and collective works on family law, bioethics, and legal pluralism. 

Lesi Vanessa Giler-Escandón

Currently, she is a Free Practicing professional in administrative, organizational and tax matters. He worked 7 years in the Servicio de Rentas Internas zone 6 and later 6 years as a teacher at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca in the Academic Unit of Administration. His areas of interest are: Taxes, Organizational Structure and Administrative Management. 

Ana Fabiola Zamora-Vázquez , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Full-time professor at the Catholic University of Cuenca. Research professor at the Catholic University of Cuenca Azogues Campus since 2017. Evaluator for the Council for the Assurance of the Quality of Higher Education in Ecuador. Member of the Ecuadorian Network of Women Scientists and of UN expert voices. 


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