Mixed and exploratory analysis of digital marketing in the aquaculture industry for the commercialization of breaded shrimp products

Main Article Content

Erick Alfredo Jara-Rosado
Mario Ernesto Cevallos-Campoverde


The food industry and the aquaculture sector are experiencing changes and opportunities in the context of technological innovation. Ecuador, as a major shrimp producer, also faces challenges, where digital transformation has driven a global revolution, including the promotion and sale of products through internet channels. This work was carried out in order to investigate the use of social networks in the marketing of shrimp beadings, through a mixed, exploratory and basic analysis. The methodology was developed in three phases: first, a literature and documentary review was made about the shrimp industry and the use of online platforms; in the second phase, data were collected on Facebook strategies used by Ecuadorian companies in this sector, using the digital tool Sociality.io, to develop a descriptive analysis with the main results; Finally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts in the field, where points of view and opinions were collected that provided additional information, coding the material obtained through a cognitive exercise and the support of the specialized software Atlas.ti-23. It was concluded that network strategies must be creative in their content, adapting to the specific needs of the target audience; in this way you can fully leverage the strengths of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp mainly, in order to achieve greater impact and commercial success. 


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How to Cite
Jara-Rosado, E. ., & Cevallos-Campoverde, M. (2023). Mixed and exploratory analysis of digital marketing in the aquaculture industry for the commercialization of breaded shrimp products . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 512-527. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3-1.1922
Author Biographies

Erick Alfredo Jara-Rosado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Commercial engineer with mention in international business, graduated from the SEK University of Ecuador, with more than 12 years of experience in the business area, ranging from industry such as an ice factory, a sale of white line spare parts and 3 years of knowledge in refrigeration equipment.

Mario Ernesto Cevallos-Campoverde, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Master's degree in strategic planning and management, Bachelor's degree in Advertising, with over 17 years of experience, dedicated to teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in research and scientific fundamentals. Currently, Owner and Manager of Lasintec, a business consulting firm focused on business planning, financial control, marketing strategy development, and business intelligence.


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