Fair Trade Networks, the Contribution of Universities.

Main Article Content

Alexandra Mónica Solorzano-González
Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez
Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


This article examines the role of fair-trade networks in promoting sustainable development and how universities can contribute to this process. Examples of fair-trade networks at the local, national, and international levels are presented, and fair-trade principles are discussed. University programs that promote fair trade are also described, and the impact of these programs on the community and sustainable development is analyzed. In addition, research topics in the field of fair trade are reviewed, and the challenges and opportunities in the participation of small producers and local businesses in fair trade networks are explored. Examples of international cooperation initiatives for fair trade are presented, and the importance of international cooperation for sustainable development is highlighted. Finally, the potential of universities to promote fair trade and sustainable development is reflected upon, and recommendations are proposed to encourage their participation in this field. This article provides an overview of fair trade and the ways in which universities can participate and contribute to sustainable development through the promotion of fair trade. 


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How to Cite
Solorzano-González , A. ., Mora-Sánchez, N., & Revelo-Oña, R. . (2023). Fair Trade Networks, the Contribution of Universities . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 297-312. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.5.1886
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Alexandra Mónica Solorzano-González , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH),
Diploma in Business Administration. (UTMACH),
Master of Business Administration (UTMACH),
Doctorate in Economics, Business and Society at the University of Alicante. (In progress),
Master in University Teaching and Research (UTMACH),
Professor of Entrepreneurship and technological innovation and strategic management at the Technical University of Machala from 1998 to the present.
e-mail: asolorzano@utmachala.edu.ec alexandrasolorzano555@gmail.com

Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


PhD in Business Administration (UNMSM), Master of Business Administration (UTMACH), Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH), Bachelor of Business Administration Chief Financial Administrative Officer of the Municipal Health Directorate GAD Machala (2001-2009) Manager in Charge of EMSA GAD Machala (2009) Former Coordinator of the UTMACH- MIPRO agreement (2014-2016), Former University Extension Coordinator (2008-2010), Professor at UTMACH since 1998

e-mail: nmora@utmachala.edu.ec;


Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña, Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador


Dr. in Humanities and Arts, mention in Education from the National University of Rosario, Master in Finance and Finance Engineer from the International University of Ecuador, Bachelor in Banking and Finance from the Central University of Ecuador, General Editor of the journal 593 Digital Publisher, member of the editorial board of the journal of Education Saberes Andantes de Fe y Alegría, President of the Research Network in Social Sciences and Humanities with the support of the Central University of Ecuador, Consultant and advisor to the Ministry of Education on issues of virtuality and the development of Financial Education, Consultant in Finance and business issues. Research Professor recognized by SENESCYT at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, work experience in the private and public fields. 


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