New Public Management as an Instrument Towards Institutional Governance. Case Study: IESS Manta Hospital

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Hernán Leonard Vinueza-Baque
Eduardo Geovanny Espinoza-Gálvez


The purpose of the research has been to interpret how the New Public Management represents an instrument that makes institutional governance viable; which is accompanied by the following guidelines: Identify the principles of the NGP in the context of Latin American public administration, analyze the context of governance from different conceptual positions, reflect on the advances of governance from the principles of the NGP. Its methodological design is configured from a phenomenological-interpretative perspective, with a qualitative approach, descriptive level and inductive dimension, documentary, field and non-experimental; the so-called grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin) has been the basis for the corresponding analysis of the information collected, especially for the narrative of the key informants -social actors- represented in prominent academics and researchers, who contributed, in addition to knowledge, research experience. On the other hand, the use of the hermeneutic method has allowed a better understanding and interpretation of the narrative and its associativity with the unit of study, its processes, and particularities; This, thanks to the implementation of the in-depth interview. The research, apart from showing substantive findings, also shows good managerial practice such as: NGP: Management model oriented to institutional governance, which can be institutionalized in the research study unit: IESS Hospital of the Manta County (Province of Manabí). 


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How to Cite
Vinueza-Baque, H. ., & Espinoza-Gálvez, E. (2023). New Public Management as an Instrument Towards Institutional Governance. Case Study: IESS Manta Hospital . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 87-101.
Author Biographies

Hernán Leonard Vinueza-Baque, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Commercial engineer graduated from the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, career civil servant working from 2004 to 2007 in the Portoviejo's company's intendancy, from 2008 to 2022 in the provincial government of Manabí; currently in the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, IIES as institutional financial coordinator, Manta General Hospital. 

Eduardo Geovanny Espinoza-Gálvez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Science Research Master Social with mention in Development Rural Territorial by the Faculty Latin American Social Sciences (FLACSO). Studies Specialist Advanced in Social Justice by the Oregon State University (OSU, USA). Researcher, Professor of Politics Public (Ecuador and the United States), program consultant investigative/international cooperation for development, framed in the incidence of formulation and (re) formulation of public policies with a territorial vision as a strategy of Economic Inclusion for improvement of poverty.


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