Social communication and its relationship with education higher

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Miguel Ángel Cabello-Vivar
Eva Leonor Medrano-Freire
Joselyn Lizbeth Soria-Ortiz


Communication in the educational context is a process that has been studied by different sciences and from different angles. Universities as institutions and organized companies, do not escape a communication reality with difficulties, on the contrary, they are affected by those who do not assume it as a culture, in the process of evolution and transformation. The objective of this article is to analyze social communication and its relationship with education in the university context. The study is descriptive-documentary, using as a methodology the analysis of theoretical documents such as books and scientific articles. The results show that communication within universities is based on constituent elements of teaching discourse: a solvent management of language, an effective use of oratory and rhetoric, elicitative dialogue and finally the use of verbal and non-verbal communication. verbal for the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships in the classroom. It is concluded that the forms of social communication in the university context have changed, especially in virtuality, where the tools used by teachers to create communicative experiences are through the use of digital educational resources for learning and collaborative work.


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How to Cite
Cabello-Vivar, M. ., Medrano-Freire , E. ., & Soria-Ortiz , J. . (2023). Social communication and its relationship with education higher. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 52-60.
Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Cabello-Vivar, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Foreign Trade Engineer, with academic and labor training focused on the development and implementation of useful proposals throughout the logistics and regulatory chain of foreign trade; for which I have continued higher studies training as a Master in Foreign Trade with a mention in Customs Tax Management. I have experience in both the public and private sectors in various operational and management processes such as imports, exports, special regimes and other customs processes; which has allowed me to become a professional committed and trained to formulate and implement strategies in foreign trade. 

Eva Leonor Medrano-Freire , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

A university teacher, she has a 22-year career with degrees obtained in Master's in Educational Management and Specialist in Educational Processes with honorable mention in her thesis from the Central University of Ecuador; Ph.D. candidate at the Rosario National University in Argentina, and also experience in scientific publications since 2015. Director of a local school, professor at the University of Guayaquil. 

Joselyn Lizbeth Soria-Ortiz , Universidad Estatal de Bolívar - Ecuador

Joselyn Lizbeth Soria Ortiz, 27 years old. Graduate in Social Communication, from the State University of Bolívar and Master in Communication and Corporate Identity from the International University of La Rioja. 

- University Professor at the State University of Bolívar. 

- Social Communicator of the GAD San ​​Miguel de Bolívar. 

- Political adviser of political campaigns. 

- Secretary of Communications of the National Federation of Journalists of Ecuador to the present. 


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