Gabriel García Moreno: how a message establishes an educational process

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Miguel Ángel Macías-Moreno


Looking for new outlooks of interpretation into historical sources to contrast them with the current educative modalities and to continue thinking philosophically is the objective of this essay that inquires into the aptness of the hermeneutics of Mensaje del president de la República al Congreso constitutional de 1875 from the notion of the educative relationship, inscribing the task in rifts of disciplinary fields as Philosophy of Education, Pedagogy and History. The results become into an assignment of roles, Gabriel Garcia Moreno is constituted as teacher, senators, and deputies into his interlocutors; therefore, the situation of the Ecuadorian government in the last presidential period is the knowledge that must be taught and learnt.


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How to Cite
Macías, M. (2020). Gabriel García Moreno: how a message establishes an educational process. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(4), 4-11.


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