Financial systems and patterns in foreign trade in Latin America

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Génesis Kristel Salazar-Garcés
Fanny Nefertiti Pino-Moran
Raúl Ruperto Silva-Idrovo
Fabián Eduardo Arizaga-Vera


The objective of the research is to establish the relationships that exist between financial systems and financial trends or patterns in Latin America regarding foreign trade in the region, through a bibliographic documentary research in which the information was collected. Financial systems are instruments that are created to potentiate the finances of a country or region, these instruments are created to support financial development, these can be stock or banking, whichever it is will depend on the particular characteristics of each region. On the other hand, these systems support the patterns or trends adopted by certain markets, which obey certain types of variables that directly or indirectly impact financial practices and cause stock market behaviors globally. In the same way, international markets or foreign trade is one of the tools that is currently supporting the growth of economies throughout the Latin American region, since non-traditional economies are focusing their strategies on positioning their products and services in international markets. It is concluded that the relationship between these terms is relevant for the progress and development of the region in order to ensure that these emerging economies catapult developing countries into the international market arena. 


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How to Cite
Salazar-Garcés, G. ., Pino-Moran, F. ., Silva-Idrovo, R. ., & Arizaga-Vera, F. . (2023). Financial systems and patterns in foreign trade in Latin America . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2), 137-148.
Author Biographies

Génesis Kristel Salazar-Garcés, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Commercial and Business Engineer  

Master in Accounting and Finance 

Occasional lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Finance career at the UG, Certified in Trainer of Trainers and in Instruction in Training Activities. 

Fanny Nefertiti Pino-Moran, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Professional in the area of Law, Master in Arbitration and Mediation. 

University Professor currently at the University of Guayaquil. She was General Secretary of the Faculty of Jurisprudence. Author of three scientific articles, three papers and a published book. 

Raúl Ruperto Silva-Idrovo, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Professional in the area of Law, in Business Administration and Accounting, Master in Business Administration, Master in Arbitration and Mediation, and Master in Teaching and Management in Higher Education. 

University Professor currently at the University of Guayaquil and Student Welfare Manager. Author of five scientific articles, three papers and two published books. 

Fabián Eduardo Arizaga-Vera, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Expert in Banking Supervisor of the Superintendence of Banks with more than 10 years of experience. 

Professor at the University of Guayaquil with more than 8 years of experience. 


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