Sustainable innovation and its link with organizational performance. A construct validity study.

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María del Carmen Alonzo-Godoy
María de los Ángeles Cervantes-Rosas
Rafael Ávalos-Pelayo
Rogelio Daniel Bote-Caamal


The objective of the present research is to validate an instrument that allows evaluating sustainable innovation and organizational performance in large Mexican companies with the ESR® Distinction. A review of the literature is made, rescuing the contributions of various authors who study the variables that address sustainable innovation and organizational performance to identify its dimensions.

The focus of this study is quantitative and with a cross-sectional design that allows for exploratory results to be obtained. Based on the methodological matrix, the pilot instrument is constructed, structured with a 6-point Likert scale (totally disagree, disagree, indifferent, agree, totally agree and does not apply) for a total of 50 items. The instrument was sent via email to companies that have the ESR® Distinction for the purpose of conducting a pilot test, receiving 172 responses, so it is considered a non-probabilistic convenience sample.

The results show that the instrument reflects a satisfactory reliability and validity, which means that the instrument measures different and differentiated variables: sustainable innovation and organizational performance.


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How to Cite
Alonzo-Godoy, M., Cervantes-Rosas , M. ., Ávalos-Pelayo , R., & Bote-Caamal, R. (2023). Sustainable innovation and its link with organizational performance. A construct validity study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 232-247.
Author Biographies

María del Carmen Alonzo-Godoy, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán - México

Full time professor at the Autonomous University of Yucatan. PhD in business administration from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara.

Author and co-author of several research articles and book chapters on innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, University Social Responsibility and Teamwork

María de los Ángeles Cervantes-Rosas , Universidad Autónoma de Occidente - México

Full Time Professor at the Autonomous University of the West. PhD in Administrative Sciences. Member of the NAB of the Doctorate in Sustainability. Author and co-author of articles, books and chapters on business strategy, sustainable development and intellectual capital. Researcher recognized by the CONACYT in Level I.

Rafael Ávalos-Pelayo , Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara - México

Partial Professor Autonomous University of Guadalajara. Visiting Lecturer University of Houston Clear Lake. Doctor of Administration from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. Master’s in science by University of Houston at Clear Lake.

Co-author of a chapter of the book The companies-system of the 21st century: Strategies, challenges and new opportunities for management. Author of several scientific articles. Academic Dictator of the Folia publishing house. Thesis director of several universities.

Rogelio Daniel Bote-Caamal, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán - México

Full-time Professor at the Autonomous University of Yucatan. Master in Guidance and Educational Council from the Autonomous University of Yucatan.

Author and co-author of various research articles and book chapters in ​​mentoring and teamwork.


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