Extraordinary notification by SERCOP in the event of claims filed by bidders against public procurement procedures at UNAE

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Jacqueline Lilibeth Fernández-Galarza
Elizabeth Cristina Vega-Crespo


The claims of the procedures in public contracting will be analyzed, that is, in the provision of goods, in the provision of services or execution of works, which were presented in due time before the SERCOP and not in the contracting entity; claims made about those acts of simple administration, in the particular case, we will analyze the qualification records of the offers issued by the technical delegation of the National University of Education, since they were not notified in a timely manner by the Governing Body of Public Purchases to the contracting entity, and this public entity was able to continue processing the contracting procedure normally, since it was not formally notified, evidencing a certain discretionary power of the competent Authority, therefore the claimant is left defenseless.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Galarza, J. ., & Vega-Crespo, E. . (2023). Extraordinary notification by SERCOP in the event of claims filed by bidders against public procurement procedures at UNAE . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1-1), 404-418. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.1-1.1685
Author Biographies

Jacqueline Lilibeth Fernández-Galarza , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


  • Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic and Graduate in Political and Social Sciences. 
  • Certificate as Operator of the National Public Procurement System, issued by the National Public Procurement Service - SERCOP (2021) 

As a professional I have worked: 

  • At the Mariano Estrella Hospital as Secretary of the Management, and as legal support to the Institution. 


  • At the Ecuadorian Professional Training Service Headquarters as Legal Assistant in the Public Procurement area. 


  • At the Ministry of Sports Headquarters, as legal affairs lawyer 1, in the area of ​​Public Procurement and advice to all the country coordinations in this area. 


  • In the Civil Registry, as judge of marriages and de facto unions 


  • At the National University of Education as a legal analyst in contracting, working directly in the area of ​​Public Contracting. 


  • I am currently working as a legal analyst at the Cuenca Citizen Security Council, in the area of ​​public contracting and consulting. 
  • Currently graduated from the Master's Degree in Administrative Law Mention in Public Contracting at the Catholic University of Cuenca. 

Elizabeth Cristina Vega-Crespo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


  • Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of Ecuador 


  • Tax Specialist 


  • Master in Tax Law 


  • Certified as Operator of the National Public Procurement System, in the role of: Legal Responsible, issued by the National Public Procurement Service - SERCOP (2018) 



  • Certified as Operator of the National Public Procurement System, issued by the National Public Procurement Service - SERCOP (2021) 



As a professional I have worked: 


  • As Legal Assistant Manager of the Municipal Public Company of Telecommunications, Potable Water, Sewerage and Sanitation of the Basin, ETAPA EP  


  • In the Strategic Public Company CELEC EP, I have held positions such as Legal Specialist, General Secretary in Charge and Head of Public Procurement 


  • I currently work as Legal Director at the Centrosur Regional Electric Company 



  • I permanently participate as a teacher and instructor in several Universities, Public and Private Institutions in the field of public procurement 



  • I am currently tutoring some scientific articles within the Master's Degree in Administrative Law with a Mention in Public Procurement at the Catholic University of Cuenca. 


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