Analysis of preventive measures in intellectual property matters according to the Ecuadori-an General Organic Code of Proceedings

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Miguel Alexander Maigualema-Herrera
Jorge Alejandro Miranda-Calvache


This article deals with the preventive measures in intellectual property matters, its admissibility, admissibility and groundability. The importance of analyzing this legal action in matters related to intellectual property is because they must work with an efficient and effective method to protect the rights of the owners and that acceptance or refusal of the preventive measures are immediate. In this paper we will review main points such as: 1- Definition and characteristics of preventive injunctions; 2- The scope of the adoption of preventive injunctions; 3- The temporality of this type of action and that the plaintiff must comply with to prevent the measures from expiring; 4- The requirements that the law demands for the adoption of this measure and 5- How preventive injunctions help the infringement of intellectual property to cease immediately while the action is definitively resolved. The main focus of this work is to analyze the procedural, admissibility and groundability of this action. The methodology used is bibliographic and scientific, where conclusions on the subject matter are reached through reflective analysis.


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How to Cite
Maigualema-Herrera, M., & Miranda-Calvache, J. . (2023). Analysis of preventive measures in intellectual property matters according to the Ecuadori-an General Organic Code of Proceedings. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 167-180.
Author Biographies

Miguel Alexander Maigualema-Herrera, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador 



Co-author of the work 


INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT IN IBERO-AMERICA (Legal responses to infringements of intellectual property rights in Ecuador). Quito, 2021. Edited by Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Universidad Hemisferios and the Ecuadorian Association of Intellectual Property. 

Jorge Alejandro Miranda-Calvache , Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Law degree 

Doctor in law 

Magister in Processual Law 






Co-author of the work 


"Criteria on intelligence and law enforcement Material not Criminal" National Court of Justice, 2017. 


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