The effective judicial protection in the process of execution of judgments of jurisdictional guarantees in Ecuador
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To begin the analysis of this work, it is necessary to review the theoretical concept that our Magna Carta carries out in this regard, so that Article 75 states that everyone has the right to free access to justice and effective protection and based on This theoretical preamble we must stop in the analysis, to expand this constitutional precept because it is the organs of the judicial function that are called to respond to the request of every citizen so that their rights are protected but in an effective, impartial and expeditious manner, Observing this definition, there is no room for delay in procedures when it comes to protecting rights in any of the jurisprudential branches.
The State is the call to protect not only this right, but all the others enshrined in our Magna Carta for being the regulatory entity of social policies between the citizen and the State because the latter administers the resources and wealth of a nation.
In the jurisdictional sphere, the State, based on the legal certainty established in the Constitution, must monitor, and protect respect for the guarantees of due process and compensate for their damage when they are violated.
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