Art and its Influence on the Learning Processes of the Students of the Euro-American University Technological Institute

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Sonnia Gutierrez-Cassagnne
Gilma Leonor Vallejo-Piza
Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias


The purpose of this article is to examine the effectiveness of interdisciplinarity between art and education, focusing on how artistic environments positively influence the learning processes of students at the Instituto Tecnológico Universitario Euroamericano, based on theory and practice in relation to the arts in educational institutions. This investigation is of transversal temporality, the investigation has been carried out, a mixed methodology was applied, through instruments such as, survey, interview with students and teachers, bibliographic review. Therefore, the result that was reached was that students have obtained favorable results when studying in environments with art, or classrooms and institutions in which works of art are exhibited, indicating, among other things, that they have had noticeable changes in their academic performance and in their socio-emotional well-being. The findings support the idea that the integration of art in the educational process can significantly contribute to the comprehensive development of students. 


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How to Cite
Gutierrez-Cassagnne, S., Vallejo-Piza , G. ., & Almao-Malvacias , V. (2023). Art and its Influence on the Learning Processes of the Students of the Euro-American University Technological Institute . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(6), 131-142.
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Author Biographies

Sonnia Gutierrez-Cassagnne, Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Higher Technician in Plastic Arts, she owns an enriched artistic and pedagogical curriculum, based on more than 30 years of experience. She has been part of the Las Peñas Cultural Association of Plastic Artists and was a promoter of Tecnológico Euroamericano Institute as well as being part of many artistic exhibitions in Ecuador.

Gilma Leonor Vallejo-Piza , Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Lic. in Educational Sciences with mention in Arts. Professor at the Euro-American University Institute, of the subjects Fundamentals and theory of design, Artistic Appreciation.

Research assistant at Tafur Consulting S.A.
Trainer of Trainer of Trainers.

Trainer of trainers

Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Student at Tecnológico EuroAmericano in Multimedia career 

Research assistant at Tafur Consulting S.A. 

Trainer of Trainer of Trainers. 

Member of the projects of the Research Plan 2021 of the University of Guayaquil. 

Speaker at the 1st International Congress on Community Service from the University of Guayaquil 2021. 


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