Factors related to poor child nutrition in the general canton Antonio Elizalde (bucay) period 2022

Main Article Content

Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade
Walter Javier Maldonado-de la Cruz


The objective of this article was to evaluate the factors related to poor child nutrition in the General Antonio Elizalde canton (Bucay) in the period 2022. A quantitative methodology was used, through field research in the General Antonio Elizalde Canton ( Bucay), province of Guayas, with a type of descriptive, cross-sectional and observational research. All children and parents who attend the Campamento Ave Guayas PRONACA Regional Office were considered as inclusion criteria, surveys were applied that allowed the collection of information where it was possible to determine that the majority of families living in the community of the General canton Antonio Elizalde (Bucay) work together, and generally the children stay in the care of the grandparents and on other occasions alone, it is also observed that they became parents at an early age (16-21 years), which greatly influences the little education that parents can have. Based on this, the families surveyed are in support of the implementation of talks and workshops that contribute to the nutritional education of their families by the PRONACA company, allowing them to improve the nutritional conditions of their children.Key words: food, malnutrition, family, education 


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How to Cite
Viteri-Rade , L., & Maldonado-de la Cruz , W. . (2023). Factors related to poor child nutrition in the general canton Antonio Elizalde (bucay) period 2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(2), 95-104. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.2.1614
Author Biographies

Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade , Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Born in Manabí, Calceta on September 21  

of 1979, his higher studies of third  

level performed at the Technical University of 

Manabí, Faculty of Administrative Sciences 

and Economic (Portoviejo - Ecuador) title 

obtained: Commercial Engineer. Teacher 

in the area of Marketing and Administration 

at the Institute of Technology  

Euro-American University. Has 

Conducted different seminars and courses 

in the areas of Education, Marketing and  

Administration and publications  

of articles and books. 

Walter Javier Maldonado-de la Cruz , Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador


He was born in Guayaquil on December 4, 1976. His third-level higher education was carried out at the University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering. Fourth level studies at the Metropolitan University. Master's in Educational Management. Academic Vice Chancellor of the EuroAmerican University Higher Technological Institute, teacher and researcher. He has conducted several seminars and courses in the areas of systems and education. Among his publications, the book “Hands that teach” stands out. 


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