The brand value (Brand Equity) in the purchase intention through digital channels of the grocery stores of the city of Machala in post pandemic times

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Cinthia Katherine Palomino-Banegas
Tania Yadira Tigrero-Guncay
Raquel Tinoco-Egas


Brand equity has an important role when making a purchase, several factors play, the objective of this research is to identify the value of the brand in the purchase intention through digital channels in the grocery stores of the city of Machala in times of Post-pandemic, this research analyzed 70 participants between men and women from 18 to more than 50 years of age considered as the economically active population of the city of Machala. Many of the grocery stores have gone through a difficult situation after the pandemic since their clientele has decreased. This allowed us to investigate the value of the brand that each consumer has when making a purchase, where elements such as brand awareness have been added. , Brand Equality, Brand Association and Brand Loyalty This allows us to know what is the factor that most influences the consumer to purchase their product in the different supermarkets that offer it, either because of the prices, as well as the ease of payment and the promotions that are in that place. These findings are important for the commercial sector where supermarket managers will be able to verify what influences their purchase.


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How to Cite
Palomino-Banegas, C. ., Tigrero-Guncay, T. ., & Tinoco-Egas , R. . (2022). The brand value (Brand Equity) in the purchase intention through digital channels of the grocery stores of the city of Machala in post pandemic times. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-1), 82-91.
Author Biographies

Cinthia Katherine Palomino-Banegas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Students - Universidad Técnica de Machala of the Marketing career belonging to the faculty of business sciences. Technical baccalaureate - application services in Accounting and administration. Place of residence Machala – Ecuador 

Tania Yadira Tigrero-Guncay, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Students – Technical University of Machala of the Marketing career belonging to the faculty of business sciences. High School Dr. José Miguel García Moreno – Computer Applications Services Technician. Place of residence Machala – Ecuador. 

Raquel Tinoco-Egas , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador 0000-0001-5979-8123

Tenured professor at the Technical University of Machala since 2014. Research interests in topics related to neuromarketing and internationalization. D. with international mention in economic analysis and business strategy from the University of La Coruña in Spain.  

 Engineer in International Business Management from the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.  

Founder and Business Director of Tinoco coworking and incubator.  

Worked as Director of Research and Technology at YACHAY EP (2013). 

Technical Coordinator of the Technical Coordination of International Relations of the National Planning Secretariat SENPLADES (2011) Assistant of Advisory Services at Ernst & Young (2010). 


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