Analysis of the progressive use of force and its effects in the criminal field

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Carlos Enrique González-Arteaga
Francisco Javier Lara-Sabogal
Carla Guadalupe Gende-Ruperti


The objective of this research is to analyze in a legal and conceptual manner the progressive use of force and the effects that this has on Ecuadorian criminal law, in order to guarantee citizen security established in the internal codes and regulations of the force. to allow police officers to act without excesses and therefore citizens can enjoy their rights more effectively. It is necessary to analyze whether there is a violation of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens in the absence of clear regulations and the possibility of pardons and legal assistance due to the existing vacuum in the country regarding the progressive use of force, the causes and the consequences it produces, since there is a wide controversy between the regulations which has led to various criticisms from citizens, police officers and legislators. It is necessary to propose legal reforms in the Ecuadorian legal framework that contribute to the legislator recognizing the elements, hypotheses and typicity that must concur to materialize the progressive use of force, this is very important, because if we review the current article 30 of the Organic Code Comprehensive Criminal Law (COIP), is limited to establishing that there is no criminal offense when acting in compliance with a "legal duty", as a cause of exclusion of unlawfulness, which opens a huge gap in the interpretation of how it should be done. understand the “legal duty”.


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How to Cite
González-Arteaga , C. ., Lara-Sabogal, F. ., & Gende-Ruperti , C. . (2022). Analysis of the progressive use of force and its effects in the criminal field. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-3). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Carlos Enrique González-Arteaga , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals with 8 years of teaching and professional experience, specialist in environmental management and in the process of obtaining a master's degree in Criminal Law. 


Currently a teacher at Puce Sede Manabí, a researcher accredited by Senescyt

Francisco Javier Lara-Sabogal, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Criminal and environmental defense attorney, professor at the Externado University of Colombia and professor of the master's program in Criminal Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. 

Carla Guadalupe Gende-Ruperti , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic (USGP), Master's Degree in Criminal Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain. 


She works as coordinator of the master's degree in Criminal Law at Pucem, is a teacher and researcher. 

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