The behavior of the millennials by the fashion of the recommerce

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Heidy Angely Chicaiza-Toala
Denisse Paulette Rivera-Jadan
Karol Yessenia Luzuriaga-Guerrero


An article template and instructions on the editorial process and the text, figure and references format are provided. The purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior and attitudes of millennials towards re-commerce, however, it is also tested to see how it influences the purchase intention of the Millennial audience. Because this generation represents about 35% of the total population of El Oro. This is part of a quantitative research design that, through a type of descriptive field study, helps to identify variables, since it will be based on survey techniques and inductive methods, due to the argumentative form that it specifies observed will lead to a conclusion about a common characteristic. A non-probabilistic and snowball convenience sampling procedure was used. Each consumer perceives and processes information differently depending on their cognitive abilities, experiences and attitudes, which is related to their learning processes, in addition to the current increase in online sales, websites that have support elements for navigation and error prevention, which allow consumers to solve problems, but also lead to more efficient decision-making and generate positive behavioral intentions. This research improves the understanding of second-hand purchase intentions, highlighting the importance of design over affective evaluations. In addition, they provide information to improve consumer purchasing attitudes and behaviors, allowing us to focus on how to improve the experience through web design, in the context of continuous changes in devices and consumer preferences.


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How to Cite
Chicaiza-Toala, H. ., Rivera-Jadan , D. ., & Luzuriaga-Guerrero, K. (2022). The behavior of the millennials by the fashion of the recommerce. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-1), 101-115.
Author Biographies

Heidy Angely Chicaiza-Toala, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student of the Technical University of Machala 

Denisse Paulette Rivera-Jadan , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student of the Technical University of Machala 

Karol Yessenia Luzuriaga-Guerrero, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Teacher at the Technical University of Machala 


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