Characterization of commercial and marketing strategies for technological products imported from China-Ecuador in 2022

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Estefanía Michelle Paz-Zhuño
Cristhian José Paucar-Jiménez
Francisco Vladimir Benítez-Luzuriaga


In recent years, purchases from suppliers abroad have represented multiple advantages for small and medium-sized companies due to the trade agreements that have been signed and the reduction of import tariffs, therefore, many companies chose to import. Commerce and digital marketing have been closely related since before, and even more so with the development of information and communication technologies, which increasingly generate more economic benefits for all companies. Based on the aforementioned, this research aims to select the main trade and marketing strategies for technological products imported from China to Ecuador in 2022, for the market niche that is small and medium-sized companies in the city of Machala. The methodology used for this research is that of synthetic analysis where the collection of information in secondary sources such as academic articles and web pages was selected as a reference. The conclusions of the present investigation mention that in order to correctly apply marketing strategies in international trade, the market to which it is directed must be known in terms of electronic commerce, market analysis and communication channels where marketing is intended to be applied.


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How to Cite
Paz-Zhuño, E. ., Paucar-Jiménez, C. ., & Benítez-Luzuriaga, F. . (2022). Characterization of commercial and marketing strategies for technological products imported from China-Ecuador in 2022. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-3), 57-65.
Author Biographies

Estefanía Michelle Paz-Zhuño, Universiada Técnica de Machala - Ecuador 0000-0003-2625-1150

Estefania Michelle Paz Zhuño, Graduated from the Foreign Trade Degree, I have participated in congresses, courses, workshops and seminars related to my area of ​​study, contributing with research at the university level, which has generated recognition at an academic and professional level. 

Cristhian José Paucar-Jiménez , Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

Cristhian José Paucar Jiménez, Egresado de la Carrera de Comercio Exterior, por la Universidad Técnica de Machala, participando en congresos, cursos, talleres y seminarios relacionados con mi área de estudio, aportando con investigaciones a nivel universitario, que han generado reconocimientos a nivel Académico y profesional. 

Francisco Vladimir Benítez-Luzuriaga, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Francisco Vladimir Benítez Luzuriaga, Marketing Engineer, Master in International Business with mention in Foreign Trade. Professor of the Technical University of Machala of the subjects international marketing and market research. Coordinator of the research group COMARK (International Trade and Marketing), and director of the research project "Internationalization of Mipymes". 


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