Academic management methodology for the improvement of school hygiene in the Faculty of Philosophy

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Erika Elizabeth Llerena-Choez
Edgar Fredy Morales-Caguana
Manuel Alberto Méndez-Bravo


The objective of this research was to analyze the perceptions of university students about the methodologies of academic management for the improvement of school hygiene in the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences, at the University of Guayaquil. It was carried out under the quantitative approach, with a type of descriptive research with a field design, not experimental. The population was 7856 students from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, the sample was made up of 366 apprentices, stratified sampling was used for their selection, each career was considered a stratum, later in each stratum a simple random sampling. A questionnaire was used as an instrument, made up of 29 items with closed answers. As results, it was found that, for the dimensions corresponding to the variables studied, according to the established criteria, the students have an adequate perception of the methodologies of academic management and school hygiene. It is concluded according to the results found, that these apprentices adequately perceive transparency, the level of excellence, and the values applied in academic management methodologies; in addition to the personal hygiene of all the subjects that make life in this institution, such as students, authorities, teachers, administrative personnel and workers; as well as institutional hygiene; and also his mental hygiene.


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How to Cite
Llerena-Choez, . E., Morales-Caguana, E. ., & Méndez-Bravo, M. (2022). Academic management methodology for the improvement of school hygiene in the Faculty of Philosophy. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 254-271.
Author Biographies

Erika Elizabeth Llerena-Choez , Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil - Ecuador  

Erika Elizabeth Llerena Choez, Experience as a teacher 22 years, University Teaching 9 years, pursuing a Doctorate in Argentina, Master in Educational Management. Research Professor, Professor in the subjects of Curriculum Planning, Research Methodology, Didactics, Educational Methodology and Knowledge Society, management of educational processes, Personalized Learning and Curriculum adaptation. Manager of Academic Personnel of the Informatics career of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Guayaquil.

Edgar Fredy Morales-Caguana, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Magister in educational informatics, diploma in curricular design, research professor, accreditation manager, tutor professor of degree projects, University of Guayaquil

Manuel Alberto Méndez-Bravo, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Manuel Alberto Méndez Bravo, University Professor for more than 15 years. Magister in Teaching and Management in Higher Education from the University of Guayaquil. Teacher, Professor of different subjects such as: Research Methodology, Pedagogy, Curriculum Design, among others. Rector of the Educational Unit "Olida Dueñas Moreira"


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