Lean Manufacturing application in Paleteras companies in the Province of “El Oro”

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Jorge Patricio Mora-Chávez
Mirian Isabel Caraguay-Caraguay
Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black
Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Continuous improvement must become a philosophy for every company, directly attacking any type of delay, loss of operability or any failure that limits or restricts the normal flow of the value chain; Given the above, the objective is to “Apply Lean Manufacturing tools in the reduction of times and shifts in the value chain in the paletera companies of the province of El Oro”, the methodology applied in the research is descriptive – explanatory, with a qualitative - quantitative approach and with the help of lean production and process reliability, in order to improve and optimize resources and processes; time is taken in each process, and as a result, the feasibility analysis is carried out for the introduction of technologies that reduce the execution times of the activities, as well as the merger of two activities or processes into one, through the reconditioning of the machine and work method that helped improve productivity; it can be concluded that lean manufacturing tools allow companies to analyze the information obtained and make decisions for the application of improvement actions that allow them to continue being productive.


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How to Cite
Mora-Chávez, J. P., Caraguay-Caraguay, M. I., Romero-Black , W. E., & Mora-Sánchez, N. V. (2022). Lean Manufacturing application in Paleteras companies in the Province of “El Oro”. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 553-566. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-1.1290
Author Biographies

Jorge Patricio Mora-Chávez, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Graduated from the Business Administration Career at the Technical University of Machala. 

I worked as a Human Talent Analyst in the company CAMELIA CLTDA. for 5 years. 

Entrepreneur currently in the business of trading school and office supplies. 

Mirian Isabel Caraguay-Caraguay, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador


Mirian Isabel Caraguay Caraguay student graduated from the career of business administration at the Technical University of Machala. 

She has experience working as manager of the heavy cargo transportation company “TRANSCARAGUAY S.A. “

Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black , Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



Industrial Engineer, Research professor at UTMACH, professor of the Quality Management, Production Administration and Environmental Management chairs; PhD candidate in Environmental Science and Technology in Coruña-Spain, Project Manager for Relations with society, Industrial Technical Advisor with 5 years of experience in the industrial sector and 12 years in education and more than 10 investigations in the area of ​​knowledge 

Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Universidad Tecnica de Machala-Ecuador



PhD in Business Administration (UNMSM), 

Master of Business Administration (UTMACH), 

Commercial Engineer in Business Administration (UTMACH), 

Bachelor of Business Administration 

Chief Financial Administrative Officer of the Municipal Health Directorate GAD Machala (2001-2009) 

Manager in Charge of EMSA GAD Machala (2009) 

Former Coordinator of the UTMACH-MIPRO agreement (2014-2016), 

Former University Extension Coordinator (2008-2010), 

Professor at UTMACH since 1998 

e-mail: nmora@utmachala.edu.ec; 



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