Commercial digitalization process and its relationship with the sales of gastronomic businesses. Case study in the local context in the period 2020-2021
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The modernization of commercial activities is a phenomenon that goes through different processes, be it a slow or abrupt transition, short or long term. The present work focused on analyzing some aspects of the commercial digitization process from the perspective of the arrival of the pandemic, which can be considered as a short-term shock that forced many companies to change part of their production and sale scheme. In this sense, it was changed to analyze this dynamic in the gastronomic businesses of Atanacio Santos street in Ciudadela Primero de Mayo in the Portoviejo canton due to the commercial dynamism, although traditional, before the covid-19 outbreak. In this sense, interviews were conducted to determine if the adoption and digital marketing strategies influenced the maintenance or increase in the level of their sales under some parameters such as digital infrastructure, public promotion and sales strategy. It was found that digitization did add to the increase in the level of sales of the businesses interviewed, for which the mixed approach research stands out, finding a level of descriptive research, observing that the digital infrastructure makes it possible to have a perspective regarding the provision of physical and human capital for the process of commercial digitization.
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