Gamification as an active tool to Kichwa teaching to students from the Sistema de Education Intercultural Bilingüe

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María Narcisa Zhagui-Brito
Darwin Gabriel García-Herrera
Claudio Fernando Guevara-Vizcaíno


Active teaching-learning methodologies are new tools for teachers to interact with students from a different and innovative perspective. This article analyzes the incidence of gamification during a Kichwa language class. Knowing that language learning is not fully accepted as it is considered of little value. To this we must add the little diversification of innovative teaching methodologies. A percentage of teachers still use traditional and unmotivating methods that hardly contribute to achieving significant student learning. This research was carried out through an observation sheet to students of the Leonidas Proaño II school in the Community of Monjas in Quinjeo. Quantitative data were obtained and analyzed using the SPSS program. Finally, it was possible to verify that online games, that is, gamification, had a positive impact during class, stimulating students to remember what they had learned to apply it in the activity. Therefore, the teacher was able to know the topics to reinforce.


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How to Cite
Zhagui-Brito, M., García-Herrera, D., & Guevara-Vizcaíno, C. (2022). Gamification as an active tool to Kichwa teaching to students from the Sistema de Education Intercultural Bilingüe . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 4-15.
Author Biographies

María Narcisa Zhagui-Brito, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Graduated in El Azuay University in Tourism. Is National Tourism Guide. Intercultural Bilingual System Teacher for 12 years. Has worked in Foreign Language Area. Now is working in Basica Superior level in Martin Welte School.

Darwin Gabriel García-Herrera, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Electronic Engineer by profession, graduated from the Salesian Polytechnic University, graduated with a Master's degree in Educational Informatics from the Technical University of Ambato, graduated as a Specialist in University Teaching from the University of Azuay, Specialist in Virtual Teaching Environments and Educational Technology, has been a teacher of graduate and postgraduate degrees at several universities in the country, he is currently working as the academic coordinator of the master's degrees in Education, Technology and Innovation and the Master's degree in Intercultural Education at the Catholic University of Cuenca.


Claudio Fernando Guevara-Vizcaíno, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


A Systems Engineer by profession graduated from the Catholic University of Cuenca, he studied a Master's Degree in Educational Technology at the Casa Grande University, has been a graduate and postgraduate teacher, Deputy Dean of the Academic Unit of the Technical and Technological Training Academic Unit, is currently develops as a teacher in other forms of study at the Catholic University of Cuenca.


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