The game: a look from different authors 

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Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro
Mario Gerardo González-Romero
Carolina Paola Obando-Tasiguano
Goldye Maday Hinojosa-Cazco


The game a look from the different authors is a theme, which focuses on the fact of ratifying the importance of this activity within the educational process, the game plays an unconditional and irreplaceable role within this area, through history it is identifies that the various authors qualify it as essential, primordial and natural; It is for this reason that teachers must recognize its importance to be able to put it into practice within the educational task, since in this way the integral development benefits. TARGET. Describe how the game has evolved in the educational field, through the exposition of some theories and contributions from various authors, to recognize its importance and transcendence in the development of children. METHOD. This research is based on a qualitative approach, through a bibliographic-descriptive review of legally recognized magazines and books that have ISSN or ISBN, articles that are within the years 2016 to 2021 were included, theses, repositories and blogs were excluded. , the bibliographic search action was exhaustive, digital and automated, through the Publish or Perish program, the search engines used were Academic.Microsoft and Google Academic. RESULTS. A timeline was drawn up rescuing the chronological contributions of the evolution of the game and two comparative tables were drawn up which answer the investigative questions, different contributions about the game are evidenced, brief descriptions of some game theories can be found and aspects are mentioned relevant.


Keywords: ludic theories and approaches, integral development, evolution of the.


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How to Cite
Simbaña-Haro , M. ., González-Romero, M., Obando-Tasiguano, C. ., & Hinojosa-Cazco, G. . (2022). The game: a look from different authors  . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 145-156.
Author Biographies

Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro , Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Mario Paúl Simbaña Haro He is a research professor at the Indoamérica University. She obtained her degree in Early Childhood Education, has a Master's Degree in Educational Management and Social Development, PHD (c) in Educational Sciences at the University of Rosario, has a Diploma in University Teaching and Research from the CIFE University Center in Mexico, her line Research is Innovation and didactics in teaching-learning. He is currently a researcher / teacher at the Indoamérica Technological University, in the city of Quito, Ecuador. Author of publications related to early childhood education 

Mario Gerardo González-Romero, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Architect and Bachelor of Educational Sciences, Specialization in Pedagogy, he has a master's degree in Educational Administration and University Teaching granted by the Indoamérica University. Diploma in University Teaching and Research from the CIFE University Center in Mexico. He is currently a full-time teacher-researcher at the Indoamérica University, collaborates with the Coordination of the Careers of the FACHEDS, Coordinator of the Academic Writing Project of the Basic Education Career and Member of the Commission for the Homologation of the Careers of Sciences of the Education. Teacher with forty years of experience in teaching and in the administration and direction of recognized Educational Institutions of the city of Quito. Author of textbooks on Education for Sexuality, Comprehensive Reading and Technical Drawing. 

Carolina Paola Obando-Tasiguano, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Carolina Paola Obando Tasiguano is a research student at the Indoamerica University in the city of Quito, Ecuador, she obtained her technology in Initial Education at the Manuela Cañizares Institute, currently working at the María Angélica Idrobo Educational Unit with the group of high school children, her line of research is the innovation and didactics of teaching and learning. 

Goldye Maday Hinojosa-Cazco , Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador 0000-0003-4704-6906

Goldye Hinojosa, Master of Education, 

Mention: Innovation and Educational Leadership from the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica; Degree in Education Sciences, Mention: Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Guayaquil; and with a title of Expert in Virtual Education by FATLA. She has more than 15 years of experience in private and fiscal education, as a basic education and high school teacher, municipal educator, and vice-chancellor. It characterizes its work with the application of strategies based on the active methodology and the use of audiovisual and digital resources, favoring integral human formation and values. 


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