Use of applications with augmented reality to improve socialization in children with Asperger's

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Luis Andrés López-Molina
Walter Javier Maldonado-de la Cruz
Layla Yasmina Viteri-Rade


The objective of this research was based on analyzing the use of applications with augmented reality to improve socialization in children with Asperger's, and to understand the benefits, advantages or disadvantages that the use of this technology can cause in the development of children who present this syndrome belonging to ASD. To carry out this research, a literature review was carried out through a documentary-type bibliographic design. There are various applications and AR video games suitable and adapted to be used by children with Asperger syndrome, which allows them to develop communication skills with their peers, and their families, in a way that will allow them to have a calmer development and adulthood where they can be able to achieve a life and social interaction with their peers with less fear, reducing their anxiety episodes due to their lack of security when feeling that some situation is out of their area of control. It is important to consider that these AR applications must always be used under medical surveillance to control and verify the progress that children may have while using this equipment.


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How to Cite
López-Molina, L., Maldonado-de la Cruz, W., & Viteri-Rade, L. (2022). Use of applications with augmented reality to improve socialization in children with Asperger’s. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(3-1), 108-118.


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