Accounting and financial management in the craftsmanship industries of canton La Maná province of Cotopaxi
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The La Maná canton, especially its cantonal head, is characterized by being a territory with the presence of a large number and variety of shops aimed at meeting the needs of the population without it having to move to other cities, as well as the large rural influx for the commercialization of their products, according to the commercial patent records of the municipal GAD of La Maná as of 2014 there are 666 (77%) stores dedicated to commerce, 143 (16%) dedicated to providing services , 38 artisanal and / or manufacturing establishments (6%), also during said year 10 patents were annulled, corresponding to 1%. In relation to the province; the canton ranks third in terms of economic establishments. With 10.63% of provincial participation after Latacunga and Salcedo. The law recognizes as forms of organization of the popular and solidary economy the community sector, associative sector, cooperative sector (related to production, consumption, housing, savings and credit and services) and the economic and popular units. Many companies do not give importance to accounting management, thus ignoring all the benefits and consequences that come with the fact of not keeping an inadequate accounting in their business, as well as ignoring all the rules regarding accounting matters and the obligations that They are held in front of the mercantile registry and state agencies that are in charge of regulating trade in the country. It is necessary to indicate that by applying the accounting control procedures established in writing, approved and verified by the artisans, it will be possible to have an efficient financial control, providing reasonable security and therefore updated and real information, this must be periodically analyzed, thus verifying compliance, and in case of variations or errors, proceed to make the respective corrections.
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