Application of therapeutic justice in the treatment of the aggressor of domestic violence

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Darwin Vicente Ordoñez-Mendoza
Carla Guadalupe Gende-Ruperti


Undoubtedly, disputes in criminal courts arise in cases of domestic violence where the conciliation judge will continue to be responsible for the future result, in addition to the need to intervene immediately to determine the resources, not only in the family sphere, but also in the social activities of those involved, and even in the formation of a new family. Judicial mediation is not effective because it separates the couple, but the criminal judge must avoid the behavior of the aggressor in the family with another couple and therefore with a different family group.


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How to Cite
Ordoñez-Mendoza, D., & Gende-Ruperti, C. (2022). Application of therapeutic justice in the treatment of the aggressor of domestic violence. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1-1), 645-655.
Author Biographies

Darwin Vicente Ordoñez-Mendoza, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador, graduated from the Universidad Regional Autónoma los Andes "Uniandes" in 2012. Since 2018 I have worked as a Free Practice Lawyer. 

Carla Guadalupe Gende-Ruperti, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede en Manabí - Ecuador


Abogada de los Juzgados y Tribunales de la República del Ecuador; Magister en Derecho Penal Universidad de Salamanca.


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