Repression of the Right to Social Protest in Ecuador Through Criminal Law. An Analysis Based on the "Central Técnico" Case

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Joffre Stalin Llanos-Hidalgo


This study focuses on analyzing the relationship between law and social protest, specifically regarding the right to resistance and its positivism in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. It addresses the importance of understanding and understanding the legal provisions that regulate coexistence and the protection of human rights, including social protest. 

In addition, it examines the use of criminal law as an instrument of repression and how it affects social protest and the right to resistance. The importance of understanding criminal law as a system of guarantees and its role in regulating the application of sanctions is highlighted; On the other hand, this article has as a general objective to identify the legal implications and their impact in relation to social protest and its criminalization as a right to resistance, with a legal and normative approach. 

The objective of this paper is to explain the legal interactions on criminal law and the criminalization of resistance in Ecuador, to complement this study, the methodology used is exploratory descriptive research, which allows the selection of data through reliable bibliographic sources, and qualitative analysis, which is based on social and legal indicators. 


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How to Cite
Llanos-Hidalgo, J. (2023). Repression of the Right to Social Protest in Ecuador Through Criminal Law. An Analysis Based on the "Central Técnico" Case . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 583-598.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Joffre Stalin Llanos-Hidalgo , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Joffre Stalin Llanos Hidalgo is a Lawyer in Free Practice of the Profession, graduated on March 8, 2008; In January 2010, he founded the Llanos y Calderón Legal Consortium, specializing in criminal matters. As a student, deeply concerned about the violation of the rights of people who participate in social protests. 


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