Work regime in relation to dependency of persons deprived of liberty in Ecuador

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Fausto Ricardo Barrera-Bravo
Mónica Cecibel Gallegos-Avendaño


The regulations in force in Ecuador consider work as an economic-social right and duty and guarantee the right to work of all people, thus regulating labor relations between workers and employers within the various modalities and working conditions. The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code, recognizes work as a right and guarantee of persons deprived of liberty, allowing its development through associations for productive and commercial purposes, also mentions that the purpose of the social rehabilitation system is the development of capacities of persons deprived of liberty and the exercise of their rights for their social and economic reintegration. The Labor Code establishes that work is a right and a social duty that all people must comply with, however, it does not mention the form of regulation or the way in which the employment relationship would be applied when dealing with persons deprived of liberty. The Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Religion as the governing body in public policies in penitentiary matters, together with the Ministry of Labor, the governing body in policies that guarantee equal employment opportunities, approved the Interministerial Agreement No. MDT-2015, of 22 of May 2015, which aims to regulate work activities with people deprived of liberty.


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How to Cite
Barrera-Bravo, F., & Gallegos-Avendaño, M. (2022). Work regime in relation to dependency of persons deprived of liberty in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6-1), 726-741.
Author Biographies

Fausto Ricardo Barrera-Bravo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Fausto Ricardo Barrera Bravo was born on September 5, 1973 in the city of Cuenca, Azuay province. His primary studies were carried out at the Hernán Cordero Crespo school, secondary studies at the Benigno Malo and Miguel Moreno Ordoñez schools, obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences. Higher studies at the Catholic University of Cuenca obtaining the title of Bachelor of Legal and Social Sciences in 2000, Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic in 2002, Doctor of Jurisprudence in 2004 and Accounting Engineer and Auditing (CPA) in 2014. Later, he obtained the fourth level degrees of Higher Diploma in Civil Law Research in 2008. Specialist in Comparative Civil Law in 2009 and Master in Civil and Civil Procedural Law in 2011 in the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes. Master in Labor Law and Social Security at the Catholic University of Cuenca. He is currently a candidate for PHD at the University of Zulia.

Publications: Civil Procedural Law I ISBN: 978-9942-972-97-2, Civil Procedural Law II ISBN: 978-9942-27-061-0, Civil Law IV - Obligations ISBN: 978-9942-27-060-3, Civil Law IV of Contracts and Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law ISBN: 978-9942-972-96-

Mónica Cecibel Gallegos-Avendaño, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Primary Studies Experimental Fiscomisional School "Asunción" Cuenca- Ecuador, Secondary Studies College: Experimental Fiscomisional "Asunción" Cuenca Ecuador, University Degree: Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic of Ecuador from the Catholic University of Cuenca, Magister in Labor Law and Social Security from the Catholic University of Cuenca, PhD in the Doctoral Program of Legal Sciences from the University of Zulia, Maracaibo - Venezuela.

Secretary- Lawyer of the Academic Unit of Economics of the Catholic University of Cuenca, 2011. Professor of the Coordinating Unit of Non-Presence Studies in the Law degree of the Catholic University of Cuenca from 2011 to 2016, Professor of the Law School of the Academic Unit of Social Sciences from 2017 to the present


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