Communicational model to enhance personal and professional growth during an entrepreneurship

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Irene Hidalgo-Ibarra
Miguel León-Román
Odalis Sempertegui-Vera
Yeimer Prieto-López


The development of ventures today has been reflected, especially after the pandemic. Ecuador, considering that around 30% of its population owns a new business, is one of the countries with the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the Latin American region, whether motivated by need or opportunity. At the same time, there is a constant desire on the part of each entrepreneur, for personal and professional growth, as a result of the development of these projects, that is, for the people who carry out a business, it is not only about the search of a success at the work level that pays them financially, but also, a meeting with oneself to feel efficient and satisfied with the work carried out day by day in the course of starting these businesses. 

It is for this reason that through this research a communicational model is proposed that serves these new entrepreneurs, as a guide to follow to enhance skills, increase productivity and improve analytical and critical capacity that leads them to a safer and more reliable decision-making , where together, our objective will be to analyze the personal and professional growth of the current entrepreneur promoting the emergence and consolidation of new ventures. 

This exploration has taken place in an empirical environment, which is why it was developed with a qualitative approach where we brought together through a discussion, experts on this topic such as: successful entrepreneurs, being they, through experience, a compass for the novices and university students, interested in training who wish to establish their new businesses. 

Complementing this, the historical-logical and analytical-synthetic scientific method was adopted, using research from secondary sources and surveys, to observe the evolution over time and carry out an analysis that allows us to create our theoretical proposal. 


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How to Cite
Hidalgo-Ibarra, I. ., León-Román, M., Sempertegui-Vera, O., & Prieto-López, Y. (2021). Communicational model to enhance personal and professional growth during an entrepreneurship. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 590-604.
Educación ECOTEC
Author Biographies

Irene Hidalgo-Ibarra, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Technologist in TV production and direction. Current student of the Business Administration career with an emphasis in Marketing at the Faculty of Marketing and Communication of the ECOTEC Technological University. 

Miguel León-Román, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Student of the Marketing career at the Faculty of Marketing and Communication of the ECOTEC Technological University. 

Odalis Sempertegui-Vera, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Student of the Business Administration career with an emphasis in Marketing at the Faculty of Marketing and Communication of the ECOTEC Technological University.

Yeimer Prieto-López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Torremar | Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES) | Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Associate Professor. Professor at Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC. Faculty of Marketing and Comunication. Professor at UEES in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and in the Master of Educational Management. Teacher and Academic Auditor at Torremar Bilingual School. He has participated in various national and international events. He has more than twenty publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scielo. Doctoral Thesis Tutor at the Universidad del Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Holguín, Cuba. He has received more than one hundred hours of training in Education and Pedagogy in 2020 and 2021.


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