Employer branding: employer impact and the use of social networks

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Fernanda Estefanía Flores-Toalombo
Jonathan Ariel Villegas-Amán
Mayra Fernanda Sánchez-Acosta


Employer branding has allowed companies to highlight an attractive profile on social networks as a strategy to recruit potential candidates. In addition, it requires highlighting corporate reputation since it is an element that influences applicants to apply for a job vacancy. The objective of the study was to identify the perceptions of potential collaborators about employers and their intentions to apply for a job within the commercial sector in the province of Tungurahua. The employer attractiveness model (EmpAt), which evaluated the value of interest, social, economic, development and application, was applied using the statistical technique of factor analysis. The results reflected that the interest, economic, development, and practical value influence candidates to apply for a job in social networks. However, the social value was determined as a factor that has not influenced the behavior of potential applicants. It was concluded that applicants for a job in the commercial sector have taken into consideration the evaluation factors, however, a peculiar attitude was found, since the relationship between colleagues has not been considered relevant, although they demonstrated a positive attitude towards working, meeting objectives and receiving remuneration as the main elements of application.


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How to Cite
Flores-Toalombo, F., Villegas-Amán, J., & Sánchez-Acosta, M. (2022). Employer branding: employer impact and the use of social networks. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(2), 395-407. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.2.917
Author Biographies

Fernanda Estefanía Flores-Toalombo, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

I was born in the city of a verAmbato, I did my primary studies at the Los Sauces school, my secondary studies were done at the Gallic Miño college. my university studies those of director Technical University of Ambato in the career of marketing and business management. I have worked in the marketing and customer service area at the “Delifrut” supermarket in the city of Ambato from 2015 to date.

and I have carried out market segmentation work for the company "Fhama" camisería in the city of Quito from 2019 - 2021

Jonathan Ariel Villegas-Amán, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Jonathan Ariel Villegas Amán, I was born in Ecuador, on June 1, 1997, I received primary instruction in the city of Guayaquil at the “Academia Naval Almirante Illingworth”, my secondary studies were in the city of Ambato at the “Unidad Educativa San Pio X” and studies third level at the “Universidad Técnica de Ambato”. Work experience in the Marketing area of ​​the Textilesa company in the Pelileo canton from 2017 - 2018, also in the sales area of ​​the Importadora Villarroel company in the Pelileo canton 2019 - 2020, currently in the customer service and sales area of the “ Lavandería y tintorería Proceso y Teñidos J.Roldán”.

Mayra Fernanda Sánchez-Acosta, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Fernanda Sánchez, Engineer in Financial Management with a Master's Degree in Taxation and Business Law. Is a currently a teacher at the Technical University of Ambato and an evaluator of research projects for undergraduate and graduate students.


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