Assessment of organizational communication: a case study using the constitutional method

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Héctor Leonardo Duarte-Suarez
Marlene Amada Merizalde-Sellan
Javier Lecaro-Plaza


The research recommends determining the method of communication for the organizational development of one company and another, which allows the development of business, understanding and the establishment of relationships between the parties involved, in general, communication provides fundamental elements for the realization of business. The research cases of this study are based on companies that carry out foreign trade activities; however, we are limited to analyze only the communicational part as an interesting point due to their complex management models in the public and private spheres, which are characterized by the aggregate perceptions that shape organizational behavior. The research method is horizontal in nature, involving the study of constitutive communication methods (CCO) to advance the dynamic concept of communicative maturity in order to theorize, analyze and develop the value of communication at the organizational level. The results obtained seek that the implemented processes have greater quality and relevance. The conclusions drawn suggest that it is necessary to develop alternatives to improve communication within the operating units. The importance of communication in an international negotiation process provides the possibility to understand each other with their business partners and, based on the achievement of common objectives, to establish favorable business relationships.


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How to Cite
Duarte-Suarez, H., Merizalde-Sellan, M., & Lecaro-Plaza, J. . (2022). Assessment of organizational communication: a case study using the constitutional method. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4), 105-113.
Author Biographies

Héctor Leonardo Duarte-Suarez, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Lecturer at the Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, foreign trade career

Marlene Amada Merizalde-Sellan, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Lecturer at the Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, foreign trade career

Javier Lecaro-Plaza, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Lecturer at the Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, foreign trade career


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