Applications of administrative accounting in smes in the cheese sector

Main Article Content

Christopher Arregoitia-Colli
Shirley Joana Rodríguez-Ehuan
Guadalupe Isabel Delgado-Cih


Managerial accounting serves as an instrument for decision-making, since it is its function to provide the most relevant information in each of the areas of an organization in the different phases of the administrative process. The purpose of this research article is to identify the applications of management accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the cheese dairy sector, due to the fact that small companies do not know how to use the functions of management accounting correctly, for what they make mistakes and do not apply it, which becomes difficult when making good decisions. This is a bibliographic and empirical research, that is, mixed, since it includes both documentary and field research, with a qualitative approach. To carry it out, a data collection instrument with a Likert scale was applied to companies in the cheese factory sector of the municipality of Escárcega, using data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). As a result, it was obtained that the cheese factories of the city of Escárcega apply administrative accounting. In the area of ​​costs, 67% generate data with administrative accounting, in the area of ​​inventories, 67.7% of companies never have information to forecast the number of units that will be sold next year, in the same way in the area of accounting 66.7% of these small companies always implement a financial analysis to diagnose the situation in which their company is.


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How to Cite
Arregoitia-Colli, C., Rodríguez-Ehuan , S., & Delgado-Cih, G. . (2021). Applications of administrative accounting in smes in the cheese sector. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 184-193.
IV Coloquio de Investigación Estudiantil ITSE - Administración
Author Biographies

Christopher Arregoitia-Colli, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


I am a student of the Bachelor of Administration at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega, I am currently in the third semester of said career and carried out market research work with a qualitative approach, this being my first participation in a research colloquium.

Shirley Joana Rodríguez-Ehuan, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


I am a student of the Bachelor of Administration at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega, currently in the third semester of said career.

This being my first student research colloquium

Guadalupe Isabel Delgado-Cih, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Master's in Administration, full-time Researcher professor at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega, research in the area of ​​competitiveness, electronic commerce, tax culture, employment benefits, studies and analysis of Financial Information Standards and success factors in My SMEs in the town de Escárcega, Desirable Profile PRODEP 2020-2023.


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