The Consequences of Covid-19 to the World and the New Safety and Hygiene Measures
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The health and well-being of the workers is the main priority of the multiple companies at a global level, therefore, the companies have dedicated themselves to the prevention of occupational risks, considering that the best working conditions can only be possible with a good organization of employees and managers. The objective of this work is to inform about the concepts of safety and hygiene at work, the safety and hygiene measures that were implemented in Mexico and the United States, in order to combat the spread of the Sars-CoV-19 Virus and the post-Covid situation. -19 to detail the consequences that it left both economically and health in people. This essay was prepared by means of a desk research of reliable secondary sources in search engines such as academic Google and Redalyc. Although the situation has drastically improved, this does not mean that you should lower your guard, quite the contrary, as will be explained later, in order to maintain a safe and stable work environment, hygiene measures must be followed at the foot of the letter, to avoid the greatest number of infections among the personnel of companies, restaurants, etc.
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