La Social responsibility in preadolescents (10 to 12 years old) of Basic Education

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Marco Vinicio Duque-Romero
María de Lourdes Rodríguez-Peralta


In the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, it is convenient to analyze the attitudes of individuals to a threat that has changed everyday life; the development of personal values ​​will support in crises to appease their effects; It is necessary to delve into concepts that have been superficially perceived and that sometimes go unnoticed without focusing efforts to sow them or to strengthen them, for this it is important to analyze academic contributions in this regard and thus collaborate with the scientific community with other studies; the importance of a socially responsible attitude and its training in school are analyzed. The present work raises the objective of studying the idea of ​​socio-formative social responsibility with the support of conceptual cartography to describe the fundamental elements that compose it and its importance. Theoretical methods such as logical history, documentary analysis and systematization were used, with support from conceptual cartography; for which a search is carried out in scientific journals, supported by tools such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Mendeley, Redalyc and Scielo. The 8 axes proposed by the conceptual cartography around socio-formative social responsibility are analyzed: notion, categorization, characterization, differentiation, division, linkage, methodology and exemplification; starting from the analysis of the contributions of different investigations of the subject. Social problems in the midst of sanitary difficulties; Social Responsibility as an important weapon in crises; the contribution of Social Responsibility from Socioformation with the elements that comprise it; and the impact of individual decision-making on society.


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How to Cite
Duque-Romero, M., & Rodríguez-Peralta, M. . (2021). La Social responsibility in preadolescents (10 to 12 years old) of Basic Education. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 422-438.
Author Biographies

Marco Vinicio Duque-Romero, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Degree in Education - Basic Education Mention from the Indoamérica Technological University. Master in University Teaching and Educational Administration in the same Higher Institution. Professor of Basic General Education, Unified General Baccalaureate and International Baccalaureate. 15-year experience in teaching Basic Education and Baccalaureate. International Baccalaureate Coordinator. Rector of the Bilingual Private Educational Unit for 2 years. 3-year experience in University Teaching at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Education and Social Development of the Indoamerican Technological University. Diploma in University Teaching and Research. Diploma in Business Consulting. Doctoral student in Socioformation and Knowledge Society. Author of articles for reflection and educational research.

María de Lourdes Rodríguez-Peralta, Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Mexico


Teacher-researcher at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. PhD. In Socioformation and Knowledge Society of the Centro Universitario CIFE. His areas of research are: 1) Socioformation; 2) Socioformation, metacognition and mathematics; 3) Socio-formative teaching mediation in engineering. She has participated as a speaker in more than 20 National and International congresses. Among his latest published articles: Socioformative Rubric to Evaluate Ethical Life Project. Athens. 4(52), 2020 and Socioformative Rubric to validate the construct "knowledge management" during the development of training projects with engineering students. Scientist. 25(1), 2021.


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