Theorical aprproach to sensory marketing: senses, experiences of brands and models

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Ricardo Patricio Medina Chicaiza
Joselyn Samantha Quispe García


The clients are increasingly demanding, look for a product or service exclusive to their needs. That is why, this work makes a theoretical approach to sensory marketing that will benefit both the company and the consumer, because is analyze that the senses can used to communicate the identity of the product and / or service, which generates a competitive advantage. In this purport, is describes how the human senses are important for the individual experience of the different processes of purchase and consumption. To this end, were reviewed documents in Spanish and English indexed in databases such as Scopus, Springer Journals, Journal of Marketing, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search and Science Direct. Then, the analysis of the literature allowed to sustain the object of study and consolidate the brand experiences of several market referents. Finally, the models of Parasumann and Zeithaml, Broweus and Dijk, Schmitt and EPC (stimulus, process and consequence) immersed in sensory marketing describe some parameters for the measurement of perceptions and expectations of the client. In conclusion, the research reflects the relevance of technological tools as sensory stimulus for the consumer where the sensory marketing is becomes in a differentiation strategy.


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How to Cite
Medina, R., & Quispe, J. (2019). Theorical aprproach to sensory marketing: senses, experiences of brands and models. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 4(3), 4-16.
Author Biographies

Ricardo Patricio Medina Chicaiza, Universidad Técnica de Ambato / Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Docente investigador en temas relacionados a las TIC. Experiencia por 25 años en el campo empresarial y educativo. Ha escrito varias publicaciones científicas en diferentes bases de datos y libros en su campo del conocimiento.

Joselyn Samantha Quispe García, Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Mercadóloga encargada en el área de publicidad de una empresa de consumo masivo. Apasionada en la evolución del marketing sensorial y marketing de proximidad sobre todo en entornos digitales.


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