The collaborative learning and its influence on the development of basic math skills in university students.

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Ruth Elizabet Rafael-Cosme


The aim of this study, that has been investigated, was specify how collaborative learning transcended the development of basic math skills of the students of the first cycle of the professional school of Administration and Systems of “Universidad Peruana Los Andes” university of the city of Huancayo region Junín, of the 2018 semester – I. The methodology was quasi-experimental- applicative. The sample is equivalent to 88 students divided into two groups proportionally for the control group and the experimental group, in each section there were 44 students, section A1 was considered as the control group and section A4 as the experimental group. Collaborative learning was used in the experimental grouping; the field work was carried out with an evaluation applying the pretest and a posttest. The control group worked with the traditional methodology and in the same way applying a pre-test and then and a post-test. About results, it was determined that collaborative learning significantly influences the development of skills in basic mathematics, as well as in each of its dimensions: propositional logic, the real number system, equations and inequalities and relationships and functions. 


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How to Cite
Rafael-Cosme, R. (2022). The collaborative learning and its influence on the development of basic math skills in university students. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1), 53-62.
Author Biography

Ruth Elizabet Rafael-Cosme, Universidad de San Martín de Porres - Perú


PhD Graduated in Education at San Martín de Porres University. Master in Teaching and University Research. Degree in Education in the specialty of Mathematics-Physics. University professor teaching in: basic mathematics, higher mathematics, financial mathematics and statistics at Peruana Los Andes University (UPLA). More than ten years of experience as a university teacher and more than 15 years in Regular Basic Education.


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