Right to health and estate of emergency in COVID 19 time

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Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez
Edy Antonio Alvarado-Alvarado


This research describes the dogmatic contributions that have arisen for the protection of rights to the health in the context of COVID-19 emergency. In addition, the research analyses those constitutional legal parameters, prerogatives and limitations related with the State actions regarding to the health emergency. In this sense, it describes the needs for State actions to guarantee the exercise of constitutional rights, focusing the analysis on the right to health. This framework is compared with the extreme vision of declare the exception status, which could turn into an abuse of power and violation of rights by the State, contrary to what is sought. Judgment No. 1-20-EE / 20 of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court is studied, which offers constitutional viability to address the COVID-19 emergency, through the declaration of a “exception status” in the Ecuadorian territory. In that sense, the research answers the following questions: Was the new and unexpected pandemic situation, that the country experienced, susceptible to attention through the ordinary mechanisms of institutional management? or was it attended with the declaration of the exception status? Was it complying or not with the constitutional provisions and the doctrine's recommendations?


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How to Cite
Mosquera-Narváez, G., & Alvarado-Alvarado, E. (2021). Right to health and estate of emergency in COVID 19 time. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(5-1), 276-291. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.5-1.774
Author Biographies

Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Lawyer from the Republic of Ecuador, Master in International Sciences from the Central University of Ecuador, and Master in Constitutional Law from the Indoamérica University.


University teacher.


Extensive experience at implementation and execution of programs and projects for the conservation and restoration of Ecuadorian forests and ecosystems. Collaborator in the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador, and international organizations, such as the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Co-author of several books related to rights, the environment and society.

Edy Antonio Alvarado-Alvarado, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic / Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes.


Magister in Law mention in Law

Constitutional / Indoamerican Technological University


Lawyer in free practice, currently Director of the Center for the deprivation of liberty of Santo Domingo de los Tachillas 1


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