Income tax "general regime 2019" vs "tax regime for micro-enterprises 2020": the fear of small Ecuadorian companies

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Mirella Fernanda Valdiviezo-Araujo
Jonathan Tito Lluvichusca-Guaman
Carlos Omar Soto-González


Income tax plays an important role in tax collection, since it is the source with the largest contribution to the resources that are allocated to the State. The objective of this research is to evaluate the difference in the value to be paid by calculating the income tax, through a practical exercise based on the guidelines of the "general regime 2019" and "tax regime for microenterprises 2020" with the to verify the impact that one of the regimes may generate. In this study, the mixed method was used that according to Ramírez and Lugo (2020), “(…) it is not the sum of the quantitative with the qualitative, but rather the strategic combination that marks its design of contribution to the research”, It also presents a descriptive - explanatory approach since the data collection was obtained from the income tax returns filed. It is concluded that even though the income in 2020 ($ 222,960.47) was lower compared to 2019 ($ 239,410.61), the tax payable is considerably high. The tax payable in 2019 was $ 389.97 and in 2020 it was $ 3,524.43. 



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How to Cite
Valdiviezo-Araujo, M., Lluvichusca-Guaman , J., & Soto-González , C. (2021). Income tax "general regime 2019" vs "tax regime for micro-enterprises 2020": the fear of small Ecuadorian companies . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 326-335.
Author Biographies

Mirella Fernanda Valdiviezo-Araujo, Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador


Ecuadorian, graduated from the Technical University of Machala, from the Accounting and Auditing career, at the moment I am studying the degree process, for which we have prepared this scientific research, it is my first participation in paper, I have also participated in connection with society in the field of research. 

Jonathan Tito Lluvichusca-Guaman , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated student and in the process of graduation from the Technical University of Machala, in the accounting and auditing career. Accounting assistant of Grupo Saudiconts, a group dedicated to providing accounting services to different companies in which I have been working for about 2 years, I have also participated in linking projects and I am currently presenting my first paper. 

Carlos Omar Soto-González , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Ecuadorian. PhD candidate in Business, Economy and Society (University of Alicante - Spain). Commercial Engineer, Master in Auditing and Accounting from the Technical University of Machala. Associate Professor Level 2, Grade 2, Research Professor of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala. 


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