Diseño y validación de indicadores para sistemas de gestión de la calidad y de la inocuidad alimentaria

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Juan Alderete


The objective of the work carried out was to design and validate the quality indicators that the former Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGyP) would use to measure the degree of implementation of quality systems in groups of producers / food processors. Up to the moment in which this project was addressed, MAGyP used several types of indicators to measure the degree of implementation, which lacked any type of technical validation.

For this, it was proceeded to determine by means of surveys the situations ex - ante and ex - post to the tasks of implementation divided in three big headings: Investment, Training and Documentation and registries. The designed system is based on the random sample survey, whose size is equivalent to the square root of the total beneficiaries of the project under analysis. The validation of the proposed methodology consisted in comparing the results of the samples with those of the total of beneficiaries.

This resulted in sample and population results that were compared directly and in graphic form, studying in particular seven geographically and productively diverse projects: "Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for the application of the Denomination of Origin (DO) of the cheese of Tafí del Valle of the province of Tucumán "," Implementation of quality standards in 10 packing and / or refrigeration establishments of fresh fruits (apples and pears) located in the Alto Valle area, Río Negro province "," Diagnosis and implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in producers and processors of fine fruits of the Province of Neuquén "," Diagnosis and implementation of quality management systems in the milk production of the Province of Tucumán", "Diagnosis and implementation of quality management systems in swine production cumana "," Diagnosis and implementation of good manufacturing practices in fine fruit processing establishments of the Patagonian Andean region of the 42nd parallel", and" Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to 15 walnut-producing establishments located in the Province of Catamarca ".

The comparison between population and sample results in the situations before and after each implementation, gave practically equivalent results, for which the proposed methodology is considered validated, which allowed its use in the more than 200 in force at the time of completion of the study.


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How to Cite
Alderete, J. (2018). Diseño y validación de indicadores para sistemas de gestión de la calidad y de la inocuidad alimentaria. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 3(6), 42-51. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/74


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