Comparative analysis of occupational accidents in Ecuador: period 2014 to 2019
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Occupational accident rates in Ecuador are highly important both due to the social, economic and academic impact it generates; safety and health at work is essential, however, its application has not resulted in a matter of conscience, unleashing more work accidents at the local, regional, national and global level; Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the workplace accident rate in Ecuador from a comparative perspective from 2014 to 2019, taking as a basis the accident rate statistics registered in the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, the variables analyzed were: number of occupational accidents- Qualified injuries, accidents classified by economic sector, gender and type of disability. As a conclusion, it was obtained that the number of qualified work accidents shows a decrease especially between 2016 and 2017 in manufacturing and construction companies, sectors in which the highest number of accident notices are registered. The disabilities generated by the accidents were temporary, partial and total, the same ones that are mostly associated with the male gender. In addition, it was found that sectors such as services and commerce present an increase in the number of accidents, which is why it is important to socialize regulations and training programs in these economic sectors, taking into account that they present a growing evolution Regarding the number of companies, it is imperative to raise awareness of occupational safety in order to minimize the professional damages that, when materialized, negatively impact the profitability and organizational image.
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