Economic impact generated by coffee production in Ecuador in the period 2016-2019

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Edson Steeven Arreaga-Ronquillo
Jessica Maribel Quezada-Campoverde
Salomón Alejandro Barrezueta-Unda
Abrahan Rodolfo Cervantes-Alava
Eveligh Prado-Carpio


Coffee is one of the fruits with the highest consumption worldwide due to its attractive and romantic flavors. This product at the national level is one of the oldest and most representative in the Ecuadorian economy, since it is considered within export due to the quality with which it is grown. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to determine the economic impact of coffee production in Ecuador during the 2016-2019 periods. In other words, the contribution of this product to the Ecuadorian economy through its commercialization will be analyzed. This study will apply a descriptive documentary type methodology since the information was collected through secondary data obtained from indexed scientific databases and in turn statistical data extracted from official government platforms such as Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, ProEcuador, National Institute of Statistics and Censuses and the Central Bank of Ecuador, through which it has been possible to obtain that among the contributions that coffee has generated to the national territory, the national economy is better during certain periods, however, due to the lack of innovation among its coffee practices. cultivation has not been able to be used correctly and obtain the expected results.


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How to Cite
Arreaga-Ronquillo, E., Quezada-Campoverde, J., Barrezueta-Unda, S., Cervantes-Alava, A., & Prado-Carpio, E. (2021). Economic impact generated by coffee production in Ecuador in the period 2016-2019. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 83-91.
Author Biographies

Edson Steeven Arreaga-Ronquillo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student of the Agricultural Economics career at the Technical University of Machala

 My experience in the present investigation was very good since it can learn and have knowledge of the different impacts that coffee production has in Ecuador.


Jessica Maribel Quezada-Campoverde, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Agricultural engineer

Agricultural Economist

Higher Diploma in Agricultural Management

Master in Agricultural Management and Marketing

Professor at the Technical University of Machala

Salomón Alejandro Barrezueta-Unda, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Agricultural Engineer and Master in Agricultural Business Management, graduated from the Technical University of Machala. Doctor in Agricultural and Forestry Research from the University of La Coruña, Spain.

Professor at UTMACH, from 2015 to the present.

Abrahan Rodolfo Cervantes-Alava, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Agricultural Engineer, Master in Management and             Administration       of       Agricultural

 Companies,  Candidate  for  Dr.   In  Agrarian

 Sciences.  Titular  Professor  at the Technical

 University of Machala.

Eveligh Prado-Carpio , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated in Business Administration, Commercial Engineer, Master in Business Administration, from the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador, Dra. In Agrarian Sciences, from the University of Zulia-Venezuela, Honorable Mention in the Ph.D., advisor in public and private companies for 20 years, currently Professor at the Technical University of Machala for. Author of 20 articles published in National and International magazines, international congresswoman.


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