Retail consumer buying behavior versus the use of digital tools in pandemic

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Nayeli Estefanía Bermeo-Solorzano
Dennise Yomira Ortega-Barre
María Fernanda Villavicencio Rodas


The consumer suffers constant changes, due to environmental factors that influence their buying behavior, therefore, the objective of this study focuses on analyzing the buying behavior of the retail consumer versus the use of digital tools in the city of Machala during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the present research is qualitative, the focus group technique was applied as a data collection tool, in addition to the analysis and interpretation of secondary sources. The session was held online and was made up of consumers from the city of Machala in the retail sector, with an age range between 26 and 45 years belonging to the male and female gender. As a result, it was determined thar for customers in the retail sector, the use of digital media became important during the health crisis, what influenced the acceleration of e-commerce, it is thus, that these platforms became the main means to maintain the buying and selling relationship between the customer and the company. In this way, it is concluded that the consumer’s buying behavior through these processes was based on the fear of contagion and the agility of purchase in the applications.


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How to Cite
Bermeo-Solorzano, N., Ortega-Barre, D., & Villavicencio Rodas, M. F. . (2021). Retail consumer buying behavior versus the use of digital tools in pandemic. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6), 212-221.
Author Biographies

Nayeli Estefanía Bermeo-Solorzano, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I’m Nayeli Bermeo, an eighth semester student in Marketing at the Technical University of Machala. I have participated in university events such as Expo Ciencias de Marketing such as the EXCIMA event, where in company with my research group we were awarded the first place in technologic al projects; I have attended seminars related to my career; so I have also done research, projects at the academic level.

Dennise Yomira Ortega-Barre, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I’m Dennise Ortega, eighth semester student of the marketing career, throughout my academic training I have been able to participate in two institutional events of the career, called EXCIMA (Expo-science of Marketing) presenting technological projects that contribute to the business sector; I have also conducted market research, which has helped me to better understand the environment.

María Fernanda Villavicencio Rodas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Research professor at the Universidad

Técnica de Machala, Engineer in

Marketing and Negotiation, Master in

Business Management, PhD Candidate in

Marketing at the University of Valencia

Spain, Marketing Consultant, Qualified

Trainer (SECAP). Six years of university

Teaching, experience in Marketing,

Marketing Management, International

Marketing, Product Development,

Leadership and Negotiation. Teacher

Member of the COMARK Research

Group. Place of residence Machala



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