Impact of COVID-19 on the financial sector at the level of cooperatives of segment 1

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Lissette Estefanía Campaña-Arroba
William Fabián Teneda-Llerena


The analysis of the topic: "Impact of COVID-19 in the financial sector at the level of cooperatives of segment 1", aimed to: Determine the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in the financial sector at the level of cooperatives of segment 1, to that managers make the best decisions. The methodology has a mixed approach, that is, it is quantitative and qualitative, which allows obtaining numerical results and mainly obtaining experience from the study. Correlational research is applied due to its non-experimental typology, bibliographic-documentary research is used and descriptive statistics are applied through the information collection instrument such as: the virtual survey using Google forms, the Cooperatives of Segment 1 were taken as a basis. in their totality there are 36 domiciled in different cities and provinces of Ecuador. In the results, 36% consider that the means used by the financial institution to return the portfolio of its clients in the period of the pandemic was service at the windows; 86% consider that no concessions or refinancing were made during the first months of the pandemic; 61% believe that users partially comply with all the biosafety provisions imposed by the COE; 64% consider the strategy implemented to attract new partners during the COVID-19 pandemic has been to lower interest rates. It is concluded that the portfolio return was minimal, as it was reduced due to the inability of the partners and clients to generate economic income, despite their efforts to maintain the modalities of digital transactions and telephone calls; the economic impact as a result of mobility, production and transportation restrictions led to the suspension of work activities throughout the country for several months, in which citizens could not commit to acquire debts of any kind; the commercial sector turns out to be the most affected, strategic initiatives must be aimed at meeting their needs..


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How to Cite
Campaña-Arroba, L., & Teneda-Llerena, W. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on the financial sector at the level of cooperatives of segment 1. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(5), 251-264.
Author Biographies

Lissette Estefanía Campaña-Arroba, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Lissette Estefanía Campaña Arroba, 28, a student at the Technical University of Ambato and belongs to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, a Career of Business Organization of which she feels very proud, she is very interested in administration and human resources

William Fabián Teneda-Llerena, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, DeTEI - Ecuador


PhD in Research Projects Environmental Research Line. PhD in Socio-formation and Knowledge Society (Graduation Process). Research professor since 1996 at the Technical University of Ambato. Evaluator Projects-SENESCYT- Quito-Ecuador -April 2017 and author of several books and research articles in national and international journals. Consultant and National and International Expert in the fruit, coffee and cocoa production chains since 1993; France, Central America, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador.  Winner of the X Prize for Ibero-American Studies La Rábida- Universidad Internacional de Andalucía España-2016-Área Ciencias Técnicas.


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