Factors that hinder entrepreneurship in the footwear sector in Azuay– Ecuador

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Saúl Adrián Mejía-Pogo
Juan Pablo Avila-Peñaloza
Gabriela Isabel Araujo-Ochoa


The life cycle of enterprises does not exceed the barrier of 3 months to a year, in the different types of economic activity, that is why information must be obtained about the factors that hinder entrepreneurial activity to strengthen weaknesses and mitigate the threats from entrepreneurs, otherwise, the emerging businesses will not be able to be maintained, causing a negative impact both at the family, business and social level. The objective of this article is to find the main and significant early breakdown factors that hinder the entrepreneurial activity of the Azuay footwear sector. The method used for the research is quantitative-qualitative, to quantify the importance of the analyzed factors, additionally, surveys were carried out with footwear producers who are still current in their activity, to know their strengths and weaknesses, and the following survey of a representative group of society, through a convenience sampling and with a finite population of the city of Cuenca, capital of the province of Azuay. A survey consisting of closed questions was conducted to find out their strengths and how undertakings of this type should improve, finding that among the most important factors are investment, financing, government support, legal and market barriers, which are the issues to have special attention and mitigate the effects so as not to fail the ventures, in addition to finding opportunities such as the acceptance of the Azuayan market.


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How to Cite
Mejía-Pogo, S., Avila-Peñaloza, J., & Araujo-Ochoa , G. (2021). Factors that hinder entrepreneurship in the footwear sector in Azuay– Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(5), 168-179. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.5.690
Author Biographies

Saúl Adrián Mejía-Pogo, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


Mejía Pogo Saúl Adrián.

Commercial Engineer

Master in Business Administration, Mention in Financial Management from the Salesian Polytechnic University - Cuenca Headquarters.

Juan Pablo Avila-Peñaloza, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


Ávila Peñaloza Juan Pablo

Commercial Engineer

Master in Business Administration, Mention in Financial Management from the Salesian Polytechnic University - Cuenca Headquarters.

Gabriela Isabel Araujo-Ochoa , Universidad Politécnica Salesiana - Ecuador


https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-3323-1596

She received a degree in Commercial Engineering from the Salesian Polytechnic University in 2006, in 2015 Master of Business Management from the Private Technical University of Loja. She is currently seeking a doctorate in Organization Management from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla - Mexico. Eng. Araujo is part of the Small and Medium Business Management Research Group and a teacher of the Business Administration Career at the Salesian Polytechnic University, Cuenca - Ecuador. Her areas of interest are Strategic Planning, Business Administration, Improvements in associations, and integrative projects.


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