Teacher profile in rural education in the parish of Unamuncho, Ecuador

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Myriam Janeth LLundo-Nata
Abrahan Mora-Pérez


The general objective of this research article was to establish the teaching profile of rural education of the Tomás Sevilla Educational Unit of the Unamuncho parish, Cantón Ambato and the importance in cultural identity in rural areas of Ecuador, the research approach was qualitative, with the help of the interview as a tool to establish the constructs of the teachers, which had a guide of open questions, focused on six topics: a) Professional performance, b) Teacher characteristics, c) Methodological strategies, d) Performance academic, e) Cultural diversity and d) Educational quality, 14 teachers of the 20 who belong to the establishment participated, concluding that the majority group of teachers have a love of teaching as a commitment to education, involved within their life project, a limited number of teachers have postgraduate studies, keep date in the management of the innovative learning tools as web 2.0, there are students who do not have access to quality connectivity, due to the limited economic level by their parents, in general the Educational Unit meets the objectives set out in the curriculum and student promotion. Concluding the ideal rural teaching profile must be composed of several essential aspects: teaching vocation as a life project, teachers committed to the work of educators, showing high credibility in their role, such as transparency in curricular and administrative processes, in addition to broad responsibility and willingness to leadership in the community; with specific professional competencies and constant training and education in innovative learning strategies and interest in research, the bilingual intercultural teacher must manifest an important struggle for the causes of the people they educate, in defense of the rights of cultural identity, the management of certain resources autonomously, allowing the permanence of traditions, for which the teacher must live interculturality itself, mastering the mother tongue of their students and the second language that is common to all citizens, teachers Rural communities must behave open to progress as well as to the innovations of the modern world, which can guarantee student generations of high educational quality, which will allow them to survive the new global changes.


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How to Cite
LLundo-Nata, M. ., & Mora-Pérez, A. (2022). Teacher profile in rural education in the parish of Unamuncho, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1), 17-29. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.1.656
Author Biographies

Myriam Janeth LLundo-Nata, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Sede Ambato


I got my third-level degree at the
Technical University of Ambato, Huachi
campus, in 2016, with a degree in
Education Sciences, mention in Basic
Education, I started my master's degree at
the Universidad Pontificia Católica del
Ecuador, campus Ambato, in 2020, and
the degree modality is given by
publication of a scientific article (The
teaching profile in Rural Education), I do
not have academic experience I am not
attached to any University as part of the
teaching staff

Abrahan Mora-Pérez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Sede Ambato


The third level obtained was a Bachelor of
Science in Education Basic Education
mention, the fourth lever was obtained at
Salesian Politechnic in Anthropology and
Culture, I have worked as a teacher and
Vice-rector at the CEBI educational
Center. At this momento. I am a full time
profesor at the Universidad Catolica del
Ecuador, campus Ambato in the Faculty
of Psychology, I have made several
articles published in Latindex as scopus
and directed several theses of undergrade
and posgraduate


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