From the narrative theory of identity to the principles of Morin complex thought
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This article proposes a theoretical tour of the discussion on personal identity, which begins by considering the empiricist point of view, expressed in Locke s. XVII and Hume s. XVIII, in this line of argument, the three theses of Parfitt (1986) on personal identity are also collected, which attempt to reduce identity to the experience stored in a brain and, therefore, highlights the absolute predominance of the epistemological position of the identity. Then, this position is contrasted with the Narrative Theory of Ricoeur, (1996) who refutes Parfitt's thesis, pointing out aporias within the intellectual framework of the referred theses. Then, having neutralized Parfitt's project, Ricoeur raises the duality "character and promise" as opposite models of Identity. For this, the aforementioned author recovers the notions of "idem and ipse" as constituents of the first model of personal identity, the The same that he considers as a relational invariant, and opposes it to the "promise", these being two models, with which he proposes a Theory of Narrative Identity. The methodology used considers an inductive and chronological pattern. As the main source for data collection, the documentary analysis was taken into account, as well as the experience gathered throughout the doctorate in Complex Thinking of Multiversidad Mundo Real and the work and professional experience. It was found that Ricoeur manages to establish the reconciliation between the ontology and the epistemology of being in the discussion about personal identity, with which he places the discussion of identity in the field of complexity. It is concluded that, based on this reconciliation, contact points or bridges for approaching said theory can be considered from Morín's Principles of Complex Thought (1994).
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