Systematization of the mentoring model for indigenous women

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Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi
Rebeca Sanhueza-Martínez


Entrepreneurship training requires using the correct methodology with the right people. Along these lines, training work with indigenous women demands respect, communication and closeness, which can be better transmitted by implementing a mentoring process to share experiences and generate the expected results. The objective of this work is to review the results of a mentoring work with indigenous beneficiaries carried out in a calendar year within the framework of the UN Women's Originary Program, and then highlight the strengths, the lessons learned and systematize a base model to be replicated in future generations of participants. To achieve the above, the bibliography and what is proposed for this type of work will be reviewed, and it will be contrasted with the results obtained, in terms of metrics and experiences generated. During 2020, 36 women benefited from this initiative, of which 33% managed to raise non-reimbursable financing to execute their plans and businesses. It should be noted that the fundamental elements lie in the quality of the accompaniment (of mentors, mentors and support services), as well as in the closeness generated between the parties. Finally, the proposal raises as the main element working with the beneficiary in the center of the model to constantly raise needs or requirements, and complement the coverage of technical training with cultural relevance at the same level of importance, being the element that generates the proposal of value to users.


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How to Cite
Oyarzún-Cristi, A., & Sanhueza-Martínez, R. (2021). Systematization of the mentoring model for indigenous women. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5), 86-99.
Author Biographies

Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi, Universidad Arturo Prat / Tarapaca Labs - Chile



Professional with 5 years of experience, who works in the direction and coordination of a regional project for the entrepreneurial and innovative training of the community. Research interest in entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy.

Rebeca Sanhueza-Martínez, ONU Mujeres


Industrial Civil Engineer with a master´s in Strategic Communications. Coordinator of the UN Women Program "Originarias", a program for indigenous women empowerment. Professional committed to reducing gaps and inequalities in society applying a rights-based approach, gender mainstreaming and intercultural perspective.


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