Business service evaluation: An approach to the CMMi - Service system
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The lack of knowledge of the quality maturity of service companies, as well as the causes of the problem, has required the development of a quality maturity level measurement tool for companies that have implemented a Quality Management System. The objective of the work was to develop a CMMi - Service quality maturity level measurement tool for service companies with a Quality Management System, by verifying compliance with specific goals and practices, which allow quantify as a percentage the five levels of maturity of quality of the company and in this way know the current state of its processes, to identify areas and projects for improvement. The research objective is to measure the level of quality maturity CMMi - SERVICE to service companies with a Quality Management System. The methodology had a qualitative approach, due to the fact that various theories regarding the study variables were analyzed. The results obtained by the study determined that the levels of quality maturity, in the web graph of the cobweb network, there is a majority percentage of quality maturity for each level of the CMMi - SERVICE model. The main conclusion was that the tool measures the percentage of the level of quality maturity from level 2 to level 5; level 1 will always be 100% because all companies are capable of providing services.
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